A little about us…

I am the oldest of 5 boys, here on beautiful Whidbey Island, WA – situated in the "sunbelt" of the Puget Sound and Salish Sea. Our parents grew up here, and their parents grew up here. Most of us (including grandparents!) still live here, and though all of us boys left for the military or some other path (4 of us joined separate branches!) we all ended up back here. Now I have a family of my own – my wife Grace and I are blessed with 3 beautiful children – and I continue in my passion to grow our community and help navigate the complexities of Real Estate. I learned under the wisdom and guidance of my father Clay Miller who taught me most of what I know – he is a land and listing specialist of 25+ years in the industry. I then began representing more and more investment clients from out-of-state, selling their assets under the IRS 1031 Exchange program to defer capital gains taxes while purchasing here or around the area. Additionally I continue my own military service which gives me a unique advantage in representing my military clients here and around the nation.

I also run a nation-wide referral and agent vetting service, so whether you are buying or selling anywhere in the US, or moving to or away from Whidbey Island, if you don’t already have an agent you know, like and trust – consider sending me an email to help you find that agent! I already work with a nation-wide network of real estate professionals, including at every US Military Base in the US. But if you are moving outside of one of those areas, I can still research, vet and partner you with the right one for you. Your Needs for their Niche.

Integrity. Excellence. Relationship.

I live on Whidbey Island and serve the Island and surrounding Puget Sound / Salish Sea regions.

I am a Real Estate Professional. I specialize in:

  • 1031 Exchanges for Investors, Vacation Homes, etc.

  • VA purchases as a PCS representative for NAS Whidbey Island

  • Professional Business Consulting
